Final Blog Of The Year

This is going to my final blog of the year. This past weekend was really fun. On Friday it was my friend Shane’s birthday so we decided to do something for it. After my six period I home. After I had a snack I went to workout with my dad at the gym. It was …

Fun Adventures

This past weekend was a really fun one. I did lots of really fun and interesting activities. This past Friday I decided to babysit my Neighbors Noah and Ingrid. I had lacrosse practice till about 5 o’clock. After my practice I went home and took a shower and got ready to babysit. I went over …

Oldtown Goleta Park

This past weekend a new skatepark opened in old town Goleta. I was super excited to go skate this new park becuase my friends and I had been skating our regular park for almost 3 years now. The new skatepark had been under construction for a really long time and now it was finally open. …

Grounded Weekends Suck!

This past weekend I was grounded by mom, so I didnt get to do much. My phone, laptop, and xbox were taken away, so it was a pretty boring weekend. On Friday I had a lacrosse game and lost, so the weekend didnt start off great. My mom took my electronics away because I got …

Rainy Day Skate Sesh

Once again it rained over this past weekend. My brother and I had planed to go skate Sunday morning, but we were surprised to wake up and see it pouring outside. We were pretty bummed out that it was raining, but we checked the weather and it was going to stop soon. I made breakfast …

Skatepark Adventures

This past weekend me and my friends went to skaters point skatepark. I met up with my friends Owen Gronquist and Finnley Crawford. FI live about a 5 minute drive from the skatepark, so I come here pretty often. The past few weeks have been pretty cold and rainy, but it was perfect weather on …

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