Final Blog Of The Year

This is going to my final blog of the year. This past weekend was really fun. On Friday it was my friend Shane’s birthday so we decided to do something for it. After my six period I home. After I had a snack I went to workout with my dad at the gym. It was a pretty good workout and I was super tired after it. After working our for a coupl hours my dad and I got some food. We went to blenders and after we went home. After I showered I went over to my friend Tavi and Kais house. We hung out there and watched some tv for a bit then went to the beach for Shane’s birthday. The waves at Mesa lane were pretty good so we decided to surf. We change s into our wet suits and went down to mesa lane. The waves were super fun. We surfed at Mesa for a super long time and it was almost dark. After we made a little bonfire at the beach and celebrated Shane’s birthday. We just hung out at the beach and screwed around. It was overall a really fun day.

The next day I decided to skate. I went to skaters point skatepark and met up with my friends Jackson and Finnley. After we skated for a couple hours we got hungry and went to eat. We went to rustys to get pizza. I decided to get something new so I chose a meatball sub from Rusty’s. It ended up being super good. And now I think I’m going to get meatball subs at Rusty’s. After we ate we went back to the park and after 20 minutes of skating it started pouring rain. We got picked up by Tavi and drove around for a bit. After driving I went home because I had to babysit. I watched my little brother and his friends while my parents were out at dinner. All we did was hang out in the jacuzzi and play Xbox. It was pretty fun and I made a bunch of money from babysitting. This week was overall pretty fun and ill miss making these blogs, thanks for tuning in.

Adventuresome Weekend

This past weekend was overall pretty lit. After I finished school on Friday I decided to make some plans. After my mom dropped me off at my house I got picked up by my friend Tavi. Tavi, Jackson and I all drove up to Montecito to hang out. We went to Jackson’s house for a couple hours. We hung out there played Xbox and went in the pool while we were there’s. After we were done at Jackson’s we got bored and went to the Butterfly Beach. It took us about 10 minutes to drive there from Jackson’s house. When we got there it was. A pretty nice day. We went surfing and just hung out on the beach pretty much the entire day. After we went to the beach we went exploring at all the destroyed houses from the mudslide. It was really sad seeing all the damage done to the houses. After exploring for a couple hours we drove to cvs to get some snacks. After that we went back to Jackson’s. Tavi and I slept over at Jackson’s that night.

We woke up pretty early the next morning. Jackson’s mom made us some chocolate pancakes and they were super good.e The day was also really nice again so we wanted to go to the beach. We drove over to the mesa to meet up with out friend Galen. We hung out at Galen’s house and went in the hot tub and it was really fun. At about 1 we went down to mesa lane. The waves were really flat so we didn’t do much besides just chill on the beach. After hanging out at the beach for a couple hours we drove to get som lunch. We decided to go get Chick-fil-A as our lunch. We all got deluxe spicy chicken sandwich’s and they were really good. After we ate I went home and slept the rest of the day becuase I was super tired. The weekend was pretty lit and this will most likely be my last blog of the year. Thanks for tuning in guys and hopefully I’ll make some blogs soon!

Vibey weekend

This weekend was overall a really fun one. I started it off by going over to my friend Alecs house. After my 6th period ended I got picked up and taken back to my house. I then got picked up by my friend Tavi and went back to his house to hang out for a while. Once it started to get dark out I took an Uber to Alecs house. At Alecs we went into the pool and hung out for a while. His brother had a couple friends over too. His brother made me Lukas, Alec, and Will Texas burgees. They were really reall good. After hanging out there for a while we decided we wanted to go to a bonfire at Hendrys. Once we got there we realized it was super boring, so we walked to Taco Bell. I then got picked up from there and went back to my house and slept.

The next day I woke up and went to the new Goleta skate park. I woke up around 10 and picked up my friend Trey and went to the park. We skated it for an hour then it started to get really crowded with little scooter kids, so we went to go get food. Trey, Jed and I all skated over to Wendy’s to eat. I got a 4 for 4 meal which came w nuggets, fries, a drink, and a burger. It was overall super good. After we ate we went back to the park to skate for another 2 hours. After we skated to San Marcos to skate for a bit longer. After skating at San Marcos I got picked up by my dad and went home. I went to the beach after with my friend and brought my super 8 camera to film some videos. After the beach I went back home and showered. That night I had a couple friends sleep over. We all went in the pool and it was really fun. This weekend was overall really fun and did lots of cool stuff. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to check out the rest of my blogs and upcoming ones.

Family Trip

This past weekend wasn’t the funnest weekend but I still enjoyed it. My mom my cousins and I all went to Arizona to tour colleges. We left on Thursday right after school. We went to the Santa Barbara airport becuase Arizona is pretty close. The flight was about an hour and half long. My mom and I met my cousin and my aunt at true airport when we got to Arizona. We then rented a car and drove to our hotel. It was extremely hot in Arizona and it was around 90 degrees at like 6 at night. After we checked into our hotel we hung out in our room for an hour. We went into. The pool and it felt really nice. We then went out to dinner. I forget the name of the place we went too, but the food was super good. My cousin jack and I got steak tacos and they were really good. The next day we woke up early and went to tour ASU. The campus was super nice. There was a really big gym and tons of restaurants everywhere. There was a chic fi ay, a Panda Express, and lots of other options. The campus was overall pretty sick but the only bad part was the heat. I was soaked in sweat by the end of the tour. But I heard it gets less hot, and it’s only bad at the end of the year.

The next day we toured University of Arizona. We drove to Tuscan. It was like a 2 hour drive. We toured the college for the rest of the day. The campus was pretty similar to ASU but I couldn’t tell which one I liked better. There was lots of sick restaurants there too. We also saw the sorority’s and fraternity. They were all super cool. After that we drove to the airport and flew home. I went to the skatepark the next day and skated with some friends. It was a pretty mellow day. I also got some new tapes for my camera. Thanks for tuning in make sure to heck out my future blogs.

Easter Weekend

Mesa Lane

This past weekend was really fun. I finished my day at school at 3 and got picked up from my mom at the front of Mad Academy. When I got home I just chilled for about an hour. Then I then got picked up and I went over to my friend Tavi and Kais house. We hung out there for a couple hours and didn’t really do much. We then realized that their was a bonfire that night so we decided to go. Before the bonfire we went over to our friend Galen’s house. His house had a really nice view and you could see the beach from his backyard. After about an hour of hanging out there we decided to go to the bonfire. It was at Hendries Beach, so it wansnt that far away. We decided to walk to it. It took about 15 minutes to get there. We picked up dinner along the way. The bonfire was overall pretty fun. It ended at 10 and my dad picked me up then.

The next day I had to take a practice SAT in the morning. My mom forced me into taking it. It started at 9 o’clock. I got there and it was horrible. I didn’t know any of the test and half of it was math you learn junior year. It also lasted like 3 hours long and there wasn’t a chance to get food. But after the test I went to the skatepark with my friend Kai, Jackson and Owen. We skated the park for a couple hours and then went to get lunch. We went to get pizza at Rusty’s on state street. I decided I wanted to get something different so I got a meatball sub from Rusty’s. It ended up being overal pretty good.

The next day was Easter and I slept over at Kai and Tavis house. Their parents made us Easter egg baskets when we woke up the next morning. After we had breakfast we had a little Easter egg hunt. I got a bunch of candy and it was really fun. It was an overall pretty solid weekend and I hope the next are too.

Fun Adventures

Polaroid Film

This past weekend was a really fun one. I did lots of really fun and interesting activities. This past Friday I decided to babysit my Neighbors Noah and Ingrid. I had lacrosse practice till about 5 o’clock. After my practice I went home and took a shower and got ready to babysit. I went over to my neighbors house and we ordered a pizza for dinner. We ate for about an hour. After we ate we decided to go skate Noahs halfpipe in his backyard. Noah had a really nice halfpipe, a flat bar, a ledge, and a quarter pipe. After skating for a couple minutes, Ingrid came outside with her Polaroid camera and took some pictures of us skating. They came out really good and I though they were sick. After we skated for about an hour we watched a movie until their parents came home. We got icecream and watched the Incredibles 2. There parents came back around 8 o’clock and I mad 40$ for babysitting.

Tavi and my dads friends dog

The next day I went to the beach with my friends. It was a pretty hot day, so we ended up going down to mesa lane. We went down to the beach around 11:30. We just hung out on the beach for pretty much the rest of the day. After the beach we went back to Tavi and Kais house to take a shower and relax till night. We didnt have any plans for the night so we decided that we were going to go to a bonfire at Haskles beach. We then ordered Rusty’s pizza for dinner and ate. After we ate we drove over to my house to get ready. We ended up not going to that bonfire becuase we didn’t know anyone else going to it. I ended up just having a couple friends stay over at my house. We all went in my pool and had a fun time.

It was an overall really fun weekend. I’m pretty exited for summer to come and its going to be really fun. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to check out my future blogs.

Oldtown Goleta Park

This past weekend a new skatepark opened in old town Goleta. I was super excited to go skate this new park becuase my friends and I had been skating our regular park for almost 3 years now. The new skatepark had been under construction for a really long time and now it was finally open. I woke up around 8 in the morning and got ready to go skate. I got my portable charger, water, board and got ready to go. I picked up my friends Kai and Jackson on the way there. It was about a 15 minute drive there from my house. When we first got there we were very impressed. There wasn’t just a skatepark, there was a whole playground for kids, tons of benches and chairs, a pingpong table, and much more. I was very impressed how nice this park was compared to the regular park. We skated the park for about an hour until we got too hot. The park had a really nice slippery floor, an a-frame rail, a pump track, and tons of other really fun obsticles.

After we skated we decided to go to Wendys for lunch. I got a large drink of lemonade and chocolate frosty, and fires. It was really good. After we got lunch we hit up a few street spots on the way back. After we skated steet we went back to the Goleta park. It finally had cooled down and it was a lot easier to skate. I got a few clips when we were there. I did a 5050 on the a-frame rail. Jackson did a bunch of really cool sloppy tricks on the box. My favortite opstickle of the park was defiantly the Wallie ledge. You could do so many really fun tricks into it and out of it. It was overall a really fun day. We ended up leaving the park around 4 o’clock and went surfing when we went home.

The day after we had a lacrosse game against cate. There school was pretty far away so it took a bout an hour. They had a really nice field with an amazing view of the mountains. We ended up winning 6-3. It was an overall really fun game and felt good to get a dub.

Spring Break Litness

This spring break I did a lot of really fun stuff. I started off by going down to mammoth with my family. We left on Sunday morning around 10 o’clock. The drive up took about 6 hours. We stopped at the habit about halfway there to get some burgers. The first thing we did when we got to mammoth was rent our skiing and snowboarding equipment. I decided to ski this trip, my dad, mom and sister did too. But my little brother chose to snowboard. This was his first time, so I felt like it wasn’t going to end up super well. We stayed in the area in mammoth called “The Village”. The hotel we were staying in was called the Weston and it was pretty sick. It was massive and had a really nice pool and jacuzzi. We woke up really early the next morning and rushed to the village Gandala. The gandala went right over our hotel, it looked super cool. I met up with my friends at the bottom of the mountain. It was my first time at Mammoth, so my friends Alec and Owen showed me around the mountain. Unbound the terrain park was my favorite because it had a lot of really fun jumps. We pretty much did the same thing the next few days. Our family left on Wednesday morning to.beat the storm that was coming. The drive back felt much longer and was very tiring. I fell asleep the second I got back into my bed.

The next day was super hot so some of my friends and I decided to go to the beach. I drove over to my friend Tavi and Kais house at 11 in the morning and we got ready to go to the beach. When we got down to mesa lane we found a stick fortrace that someone had made. We hung out in the little stick hut for the rest of the day. For the next few days we went back to the hut because it was still hot. The break was overall really fun and exiting. I’m really looking forward to summer and all the fun activities.

Snowy Retreat

This past week most of our sophomores from MAD academy went to the sequoias to have a retreat. The lodge we were going to was called the Montecito Sequoia Lodge. We all met at mad academy at 7 in the morning on Wednesday. We all went through security and got ready to go on the bus. We took really nice air buses and they were super comfortable. We drove for about 2 hours or so then we came to our first stop and got lunch. I ended up going to Wendy’s with my friends. I got a freeze and chicken fingers. Wendys was super good and might be my new favorite fast food. Before we left we took a quick trip to the dollar tree store and got some funny stuff. After we ate for an hour we got back on the bus and got ready to go.

We bought dourages, candy and lost of really funny dollar store stuff. It took another 2 and a half hours to get to the retreat. When we got to the lodge there was to much snow that the road got blocked. We had to have a big snow plow car to make us a path to the lodge. We had to walk for like 20 minutes until we got there. We all turned in our phones to Dan and got checked into our rooms. My room had Max, Jake, and Logan. For dinner we had chicken and it was really good. The next morning we had eggs and potatoes and they were supper good. After breakfast we took a really long hike up to the top of the mountain that took about 2 hours. We took lots of pictures on top of the mountain. We all rented snowboards and got ready to snowboards. We made a really sick jump and Lukas did a really good backflip. The trip was overall a super fun trip and it was way more fun than last years trip. I feel really bad for all the people that didnt go on the trip becuase the snow was amazing. Thanks for turning in and I hope I do some cool stuff over spring break.

Grounded Weekends Suck!

This past weekend I was grounded by mom, so I didnt get to do much. My phone, laptop, and xbox were taken away, so it was a pretty boring weekend. On Friday I had a lacrosse game and lost, so the weekend didnt start off great. My mom took my electronics away because I got in a fight with my younger brother. I was pretty bummed but I tried to make the best of my weekend. I woke up on Saturday morning and my mom made me do chores. I cleaned my room and my bathroom and took my dog on a walk around the neighborhood. I walked my dog to Leadbetter beach and back, and took about 45 minutes. When I got back I finished all the left over homework I had and waited for my mom to get back.

When my mom came back, around 11, she told me that we were going to watch my little brothers basketball game. We first got lunch with my mom and my dad. We got really good burgers from this random burger place I forgot the name. My brother Reid, was playing in his first basketball tournament in the Thunder Dome at UCSB. His next game was at 12, so we had to hurray. We drove over to UCSB and got ready to watch his second game. The tournament had 5 games going on at once, there was one in the middle, 2 on the sides on one on the top of both sides of the bleachers. It was pretty sick watching my brother play in the Thunder Dome. Right before Reid’s game I went to the snack shack and got a drink and some chips. Reid ended up losing his second game, but did really good. He scored about 6 times. It was his teams first time playing in a tournament, so they did pretty good for there first.

On Sunday morning my mom wanted me to take my brother to the skatepark, so I did. We went to the park around 11 in the morning. I met up with my friend Jackson too. It was an overall pretty good skatesesh. I was still pretty bummed that I was grounded, but I feel like I made the best of my weekend.

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