Surfing Fun

Last weekend I went surfing at Leadbetter beach with my friends. My friends Kai, Tavi, and Blake slept over at my house the previous night. They all came over to my house around 5 pm, with there surfboards and wetsuits. We had to babysit my brother that night so we didnt do much that night. We ended up skating outside on our quarter pipe till around six, then we went inside. We pretty much played Xbox for the rest of the night and went to bed around 11. We wanted to get good sleep, becuase we wanted to wake up pretty early to go surf.

We woke up around 8 o’clock in the morning and got ready to go surfing. I was really excited because I hadent gone to the beach in a couple months. We all changed into our wetsuits and got ready to go. Leadbetter beach is right down my street, so we decided to walk. I chose a wavestorm as my board, Tavi brought a short board, Kai brought a short board, and Blake brought a wavestorm. It took about 10 minutes to walk to the beach. We set down our towels on the rocks and got ready to surf. The waves were about 3-4 feet tall, so it was perfect. I got like 4-5 waves and it ended up being really fun. Blake and I also caught a party wave together. Towards the end of the sesh, a really big came to me and I could quite get over it, and it ended up smashing me and board really hard into the sand. The fins of my board hit me really hard in the head. After that slam I figured that we should head back up.

We walked back up to my house after about 2 hours of surfing. Pretty much after that we just hung out in my room and played Xbox together. After we played Xbox for a bit we decided to go in my pool. My family had just recenly gotten a pool in our backyard, so all my friends were exited. We hung out in the pool for another hour, then my friends went home. Sunday was an overall really fun day, and I hope I can surf and skate next weekend! Thanks for tunning in!

Montecito Adventure

This past weekend was a really fun one. I stayed over at my friend Jackson’s house for the night. I drove over to his house with my friends Kai, Tavi, and Finnley. Jackson lives really far up in Montecito, so it was a long drive. It took about 15 minutes and we got there around 7:30. We ordered pizza and wings for the night. That night we didn’t do much besides play Xbox and just hang out. We we went to bed pretty early because we wanted to go explore where the mudslides hit Montecito.

We woke up around 8 o’clock and got dressed and ready to leave. Before we left Jackson mom made us chocolate pancakes for breakfast, and they were super good. We then walked up the creek outside to his house and found a lot of houses that were destroyed by the mudslides last year. It was super sad seeing all the destruction that was caused from all the rocks and mud. We found an old swimming pool that was completely filled with nasty green water. After exploring for a couple hours we w hiked up the hill behind Jackson house. The view up there was super sick. We then hiked around for another hour and then went back down to Jacksons house.

We then decided we wanted to go to this skatepark in Goleta called Orchid Skatepark. After Tavi and Kai left Jackson, Finnley, and I got picked up by mom and drove over to the skatepark. We skated the indoor part for a couple hours and after we went to the outside part. The outside part of the park had a 3 diffrent sized halpipes combined together to form one big halpipe. It was really fun to skate. There also was really big ramp that you could air out of. I learned how to do melon grabs while airing out. I also brought my vx2000 camera with us to film. Finnley, Jackson, and I all went inside and filmed a couple clips for an edit. Finnley did a really good big spin, Jackson did a clean kick flip on the hip, and I did a big spin on the hip. It was an overall really fun skatesesh. Thanks for reading and be make sure to tune in next week!

Mullet Monday

The past 4 day weekend was a really fun one, but my favorite part, was when my friend Tavi got a mullet. We all spent the night at my house the previous night, but we ended going to Tavi and Kais. We went over to Kai and Tavis house around 10 o’clock. When I first got to there house I skated the half pipe with Tavi for a couple hours. Tavi had an idea to give himself a mullet, becuase he thought it would look funny. When it was around 12 we decided it was time to give it to him.

Our friends Jack and Thomas came over to give the haircut to tavi. It started raining for a couple minutes, so we had to wait another hour. Tavi has super long hair, so this haircut was going to look super sweet. We started off by tripping his bangs and after we trimmed the back of his hair. Then we got out then shaver and cleaned his hair up. It overall looked super funny and made all of us laugh. After we cut Tavis hair, we all went out to mesa lane to go surfing. We all took longboards, and the surf ended up being supe big, so it didnt end up so well. I got smashed by huge waves, and ended up staying in the water for 20 minutes.

After we went surfing we walked back up to Kai and Tavis. We all changed out of our wetsuits and took showers and got ready to go get food. After we all drove to Taco Bell to get food. I ordered a steak quesadilla and a soda. Overall it was a pretty good meal. We then drove back to Tavi and Kais. We ended up watching a the movie Birdox on Netflix for the rest of the day. It was a pretty spooky and weird movie, but I didnt like it that much. I thought the idea of the story was stupid, because you never actually saw the monster. After the movie I went home and tried to get some sleep before school started the next day. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to checkout the next blog.

Rainy Day Skate Sesh

Once again it rained over this past weekend. My brother and I had planed to go skate Sunday morning, but we were surprised to wake up and see it pouring outside. We were pretty bummed out that it was raining, but we checked the weather and it was going to stop soon. I made breakfast and played some xbox to kill some time. The past few weekends had been very rainy, and I didn’t want this weekend to get ruined too. The rain stopped around 12 o’clock, so my brother and I got ready to skate.

Even though it wasn’t raining anymore it was still pretty wet outside, so we decided to warm up in our garage while it dryed. My brother and I skated our element flat bar. We did a couple of 5050s, feebles, smiths, and board slides. My brother is particularly good at 5050s. Our garage is pretty big, so it made it super easy for us to skate the rail. We ended up skating for another 1 and a half. And pretty soon it seemed like the rain had dryed up outside, so we got our stuff and went outside to go skate out neighbors quarterpipe.

Our neighbors have a really fun halfpipe in their backyard, but it was still wet and was covered in leaves so Reid and I wanted to skate the quarter pipe instead. I have been skating this quarterpipe for a couple years, but it is really fun every time I use it. We skated the quarter pipe for a couple hours. I learned how to do a back smith, and how to do back disaster reverts. We soon got bored and decided to go back inside to rest. It was overall a really fun skate sesh.

It was almost getting dark, but I still wanted to get a little more skateboarding into the day before we had dinner. I eneded up skating flat ground in my garage for another hour. It was pretty fun and I learned a couple new tricks. Overall this past Sunday was really fun and exiting, but I hope next weekend it wont rain so I can do some more fun activity’s.

Rainy Day Fun

This past weekend was a very rainy one. They’re didnt seem to be much to do because of the rain, but I tried to make the best of it. Stuart Berkus, Finnley Crawford, and I went to our friend Kyles house on Friday. Stuart picked Finnley and I up right around when the rain was starting to pick up. We then went to Chick-Fil-A to pick up some dinner. After, we went to Kyles house to hang out and eat. We went in the hot tub while it was raining for a couple hours. Being in a hot tub while it its raining felt very relaxing. It then started pouring very hard, so we decided to go inside and call it a night.

We were all suddenly woken up in the morning to supper heavy rainfall. We went outside and were shocked to see how much it rained the past night. We learned how tons of roads have been been closed due to the rain and we were basically stuck at kyles house. We didnt know what to do for the day, but Stuart had a perfect idea of to go boogy boarding in the rain. Stuart then got on his swim trunks and bombed Kyles hill on a boogy board. Stuart slide down the entire hill. We then all took turns sliding down the hill on the boogy boards. It ended up being a really fun day overall. After we went back to my house to get food. Finally after we ate, my friends went home, and I tried to get good sleep for the Super Bowl on Sunday.

The next morning I woke up super exited for the Super Bowl, but it didn’t end up being as exited as I hoped. I started off my day by getting some breakfast, then my Brother, Dad and I drove down to leadbetter beach to check out the waves. They ended up not being good, and the water was still dirty, so we headed home. For the rest of the day I didnt do much except for playing xbox. But when right when the time hit 3:30 me and my family sat down to watch the Super Bowl. It ended up being really boring and it ended 10-3 for the Patriots. No much many points we scored, the halftime show wasn’t very good, and of course the Patriots won again. Hopefully next weekend wont be rainy, so I can bring more fun and exciting blog. Make sure to check some of my future blogs, and thanks for watching.

Skatepark Adventures

This past weekend me and my friends went to skaters point skatepark. I met up with my friends Owen Gronquist and Finnley Crawford. FI live about a 5 minute drive from the skatepark, so I come here pretty often. The past few weeks have been pretty cold and rainy, but it was perfect weather on Sunday for skating. I was super stoked to skate and to learn some new tricks with my friends.

Before I skate I usually do a quick few stretches to warm up my mussels. Whenever I skate I like to warm up on the round flat bar. Rails have been something that I’ve been pretty comfortable with and gotten good at when im skating. Some of my favorite tricks on flat bars are 5050s, smiths, feebles, lip slides, and board slides. Lots of my friends are scared to skate rails, but once you get your balance they’re easy to do.

When I go to the skatepark I come very prepared. I come with a big hydro flask of ice water, a portable charger for my phone, a skatetool for my board, money for food, and my vx2000 camera to film tricks. The vx2000 is a camera that was released in 2000, but really grabbed my attention. I think it looks really cool when I film my friends skate on it. It has a really cool old school vibe that I really like. One of my favorite thing about skateboarding is filming and making edits of my friends and I skateboarding. My friends and I really like making skate edits on Instagram, because its a cool way to show new tricks, and express ourselves.

I ended of my day by skating the little ledge in the corner of the park. Ledges have to be my second favorite thing to skate besides rails. They are a lot easier to skate, but aren’t as fun as flatbars in my opinion. I skated this with my friend Owen for about 45 minutes, until I got hungry. We when went to Rusty’s Pizza Parlor to get a pizza. Overall last Sunday was a really perfect, fun skate day, and I hope to visit some new parks for upcoming blogs.

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