Final Blog Of The Year

This is going to my final blog of the year. This past weekend was really fun. On Friday it was my friend Shane’s birthday so we decided to do something for it. After my six period I home. After I had a snack I went to workout with my dad at the gym. It was a pretty good workout and I was super tired after it. After working our for a coupl hours my dad and I got some food. We went to blenders and after we went home. After I showered I went over to my friend Tavi and Kais house. We hung out there and watched some tv for a bit then went to the beach for Shane’s birthday. The waves at Mesa lane were pretty good so we decided to surf. We change s into our wet suits and went down to mesa lane. The waves were super fun. We surfed at Mesa for a super long time and it was almost dark. After we made a little bonfire at the beach and celebrated Shane’s birthday. We just hung out at the beach and screwed around. It was overall a really fun day.

The next day I decided to skate. I went to skaters point skatepark and met up with my friends Jackson and Finnley. After we skated for a couple hours we got hungry and went to eat. We went to rustys to get pizza. I decided to get something new so I chose a meatball sub from Rusty’s. It ended up being super good. And now I think I’m going to get meatball subs at Rusty’s. After we ate we went back to the park and after 20 minutes of skating it started pouring rain. We got picked up by Tavi and drove around for a bit. After driving I went home because I had to babysit. I watched my little brother and his friends while my parents were out at dinner. All we did was hang out in the jacuzzi and play Xbox. It was pretty fun and I made a bunch of money from babysitting. This week was overall pretty fun and ill miss making these blogs, thanks for tuning in.

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