Vibey weekend

This weekend was overall a really fun one. I started it off by going over to my friend Alecs house. After my 6th period ended I got picked up and taken back to my house. I then got picked up by my friend Tavi and went back to his house to hang out for a while. Once it started to get dark out I took an Uber to Alecs house. At Alecs we went into the pool and hung out for a while. His brother had a couple friends over too. His brother made me Lukas, Alec, and Will Texas burgees. They were really reall good. After hanging out there for a while we decided we wanted to go to a bonfire at Hendrys. Once we got there we realized it was super boring, so we walked to Taco Bell. I then got picked up from there and went back to my house and slept.

The next day I woke up and went to the new Goleta skate park. I woke up around 10 and picked up my friend Trey and went to the park. We skated it for an hour then it started to get really crowded with little scooter kids, so we went to go get food. Trey, Jed and I all skated over to Wendy’s to eat. I got a 4 for 4 meal which came w nuggets, fries, a drink, and a burger. It was overall super good. After we ate we went back to the park to skate for another 2 hours. After we skated to San Marcos to skate for a bit longer. After skating at San Marcos I got picked up by my dad and went home. I went to the beach after with my friend and brought my super 8 camera to film some videos. After the beach I went back home and showered. That night I had a couple friends sleep over. We all went in the pool and it was really fun. This weekend was overall really fun and did lots of cool stuff. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to check out the rest of my blogs and upcoming ones.

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