Family Trip

This past weekend wasn’t the funnest weekend but I still enjoyed it. My mom my cousins and I all went to Arizona to tour colleges. We left on Thursday right after school. We went to the Santa Barbara airport becuase Arizona is pretty close. The flight was about an hour and half long. My mom and I met my cousin and my aunt at true airport when we got to Arizona. We then rented a car and drove to our hotel. It was extremely hot in Arizona and it was around 90 degrees at like 6 at night. After we checked into our hotel we hung out in our room for an hour. We went into. The pool and it felt really nice. We then went out to dinner. I forget the name of the place we went too, but the food was super good. My cousin jack and I got steak tacos and they were really good. The next day we woke up early and went to tour ASU. The campus was super nice. There was a really big gym and tons of restaurants everywhere. There was a chic fi ay, a Panda Express, and lots of other options. The campus was overall pretty sick but the only bad part was the heat. I was soaked in sweat by the end of the tour. But I heard it gets less hot, and it’s only bad at the end of the year.

The next day we toured University of Arizona. We drove to Tuscan. It was like a 2 hour drive. We toured the college for the rest of the day. The campus was pretty similar to ASU but I couldn’t tell which one I liked better. There was lots of sick restaurants there too. We also saw the sorority’s and fraternity. They were all super cool. After that we drove to the airport and flew home. I went to the skatepark the next day and skated with some friends. It was a pretty mellow day. I also got some new tapes for my camera. Thanks for tuning in make sure to heck out my future blogs.

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