Easter Weekend

Mesa Lane

This past weekend was really fun. I finished my day at school at 3 and got picked up from my mom at the front of Mad Academy. When I got home I just chilled for about an hour. Then I then got picked up and I went over to my friend Tavi and Kais house. We hung out there for a couple hours and didn’t really do much. We then realized that their was a bonfire that night so we decided to go. Before the bonfire we went over to our friend Galen’s house. His house had a really nice view and you could see the beach from his backyard. After about an hour of hanging out there we decided to go to the bonfire. It was at Hendries Beach, so it wansnt that far away. We decided to walk to it. It took about 15 minutes to get there. We picked up dinner along the way. The bonfire was overall pretty fun. It ended at 10 and my dad picked me up then.

The next day I had to take a practice SAT in the morning. My mom forced me into taking it. It started at 9 o’clock. I got there and it was horrible. I didn’t know any of the test and half of it was math you learn junior year. It also lasted like 3 hours long and there wasn’t a chance to get food. But after the test I went to the skatepark with my friend Kai, Jackson and Owen. We skated the park for a couple hours and then went to get lunch. We went to get pizza at Rusty’s on state street. I decided I wanted to get something different so I got a meatball sub from Rusty’s. It ended up being overal pretty good.

The next day was Easter and I slept over at Kai and Tavis house. Their parents made us Easter egg baskets when we woke up the next morning. After we had breakfast we had a little Easter egg hunt. I got a bunch of candy and it was really fun. It was an overall pretty solid weekend and I hope the next are too.

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