Oldtown Goleta Park

This past weekend a new skatepark opened in old town Goleta. I was super excited to go skate this new park becuase my friends and I had been skating our regular park for almost 3 years now. The new skatepark had been under construction for a really long time and now it was finally open. I woke up around 8 in the morning and got ready to go skate. I got my portable charger, water, board and got ready to go. I picked up my friends Kai and Jackson on the way there. It was about a 15 minute drive there from my house. When we first got there we were very impressed. There wasn’t just a skatepark, there was a whole playground for kids, tons of benches and chairs, a pingpong table, and much more. I was very impressed how nice this park was compared to the regular park. We skated the park for about an hour until we got too hot. The park had a really nice slippery floor, an a-frame rail, a pump track, and tons of other really fun obsticles.

After we skated we decided to go to Wendys for lunch. I got a large drink of lemonade and chocolate frosty, and fires. It was really good. After we got lunch we hit up a few street spots on the way back. After we skated steet we went back to the Goleta park. It finally had cooled down and it was a lot easier to skate. I got a few clips when we were there. I did a 5050 on the a-frame rail. Jackson did a bunch of really cool sloppy tricks on the box. My favortite opstickle of the park was defiantly the Wallie ledge. You could do so many really fun tricks into it and out of it. It was overall a really fun day. We ended up leaving the park around 4 o’clock and went surfing when we went home.

The day after we had a lacrosse game against cate. There school was pretty far away so it took a bout an hour. They had a really nice field with an amazing view of the mountains. We ended up winning 6-3. It was an overall really fun game and felt good to get a dub.

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