Spring Break Litness

This spring break I did a lot of really fun stuff. I started off by going down to mammoth with my family. We left on Sunday morning around 10 o’clock. The drive up took about 6 hours. We stopped at the habit about halfway there to get some burgers. The first thing we did when we got to mammoth was rent our skiing and snowboarding equipment. I decided to ski this trip, my dad, mom and sister did too. But my little brother chose to snowboard. This was his first time, so I felt like it wasn’t going to end up super well. We stayed in the area in mammoth called “The Village”. The hotel we were staying in was called the Weston and it was pretty sick. It was massive and had a really nice pool and jacuzzi. We woke up really early the next morning and rushed to the village Gandala. The gandala went right over our hotel, it looked super cool. I met up with my friends at the bottom of the mountain. It was my first time at Mammoth, so my friends Alec and Owen showed me around the mountain. Unbound the terrain park was my favorite because it had a lot of really fun jumps. We pretty much did the same thing the next few days. Our family left on Wednesday morning to.beat the storm that was coming. The drive back felt much longer and was very tiring. I fell asleep the second I got back into my bed.

The next day was super hot so some of my friends and I decided to go to the beach. I drove over to my friend Tavi and Kais house at 11 in the morning and we got ready to go to the beach. When we got down to mesa lane we found a stick fortrace that someone had made. We hung out in the little stick hut for the rest of the day. For the next few days we went back to the hut because it was still hot. The break was overall really fun and exiting. I’m really looking forward to summer and all the fun activities.

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