Grounded Weekends Suck!

This past weekend I was grounded by mom, so I didnt get to do much. My phone, laptop, and xbox were taken away, so it was a pretty boring weekend. On Friday I had a lacrosse game and lost, so the weekend didnt start off great. My mom took my electronics away because I got in a fight with my younger brother. I was pretty bummed but I tried to make the best of my weekend. I woke up on Saturday morning and my mom made me do chores. I cleaned my room and my bathroom and took my dog on a walk around the neighborhood. I walked my dog to Leadbetter beach and back, and took about 45 minutes. When I got back I finished all the left over homework I had and waited for my mom to get back.

When my mom came back, around 11, she told me that we were going to watch my little brothers basketball game. We first got lunch with my mom and my dad. We got really good burgers from this random burger place I forgot the name. My brother Reid, was playing in his first basketball tournament in the Thunder Dome at UCSB. His next game was at 12, so we had to hurray. We drove over to UCSB and got ready to watch his second game. The tournament had 5 games going on at once, there was one in the middle, 2 on the sides on one on the top of both sides of the bleachers. It was pretty sick watching my brother play in the Thunder Dome. Right before Reid’s game I went to the snack shack and got a drink and some chips. Reid ended up losing his second game, but did really good. He scored about 6 times. It was his teams first time playing in a tournament, so they did pretty good for there first.

On Sunday morning my mom wanted me to take my brother to the skatepark, so I did. We went to the park around 11 in the morning. I met up with my friend Jackson too. It was an overall pretty good skatesesh. I was still pretty bummed that I was grounded, but I feel like I made the best of my weekend.

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