Mullet Monday

The past 4 day weekend was a really fun one, but my favorite part, was when my friend Tavi got a mullet. We all spent the night at my house the previous night, but we ended going to Tavi and Kais. We went over to Kai and Tavis house around 10 o’clock. When I first got to there house I skated the half pipe with Tavi for a couple hours. Tavi had an idea to give himself a mullet, becuase he thought it would look funny. When it was around 12 we decided it was time to give it to him.

Our friends Jack and Thomas came over to give the haircut to tavi. It started raining for a couple minutes, so we had to wait another hour. Tavi has super long hair, so this haircut was going to look super sweet. We started off by tripping his bangs and after we trimmed the back of his hair. Then we got out then shaver and cleaned his hair up. It overall looked super funny and made all of us laugh. After we cut Tavis hair, we all went out to mesa lane to go surfing. We all took longboards, and the surf ended up being supe big, so it didnt end up so well. I got smashed by huge waves, and ended up staying in the water for 20 minutes.

After we went surfing we walked back up to Kai and Tavis. We all changed out of our wetsuits and took showers and got ready to go get food. After we all drove to Taco Bell to get food. I ordered a steak quesadilla and a soda. Overall it was a pretty good meal. We then drove back to Tavi and Kais. We ended up watching a the movie Birdox on Netflix for the rest of the day. It was a pretty spooky and weird movie, but I didnt like it that much. I thought the idea of the story was stupid, because you never actually saw the monster. After the movie I went home and tried to get some sleep before school started the next day. Thanks for tuning in and make sure to checkout the next blog.

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